Created in 2002, West Wales Airport is located at Aberporth on the west coast of Wales. It is owned and operated by West Wales Airport Ltd and supplies services to GA, military and unmanned aircraft alike.
Centrally positioned within the segregated flying zones of danger areas D201 and D202 the airfield is in a unique position. Access to these areas, coupled with having created the only CAA accredited UAS operations manual in existence, enables the company to provide the most specialised capability in the UK for the operation of both large and small Unmanned Aircraft.
For the past 10 years, the special capabilities and accommodation at the airport has enabled flight operations for many different unmanned systems including the Leonardo Falco and the entire period of test and evaluation of the UK MoD’s Watchkeeper UAS. Supplied by Thales UK, this major military program is now successfully in service with the British Army.

Leonardo Falco